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Format Description for RCPSP Heuristic Solutions

First, please do notice that your solution must have a global source and a global sink in addition to the ordinary jobs. Therefore a solution for a problem with n jobs has to contain n+2 job numbers. A solution for a file, e.g. j1010_1.mm, would look like this:

    Instance Set    :j10
    Type            :mm
    Parameter Number:10
    Instance Number :1
    Makespan        :49
    Job Mode Start Time
    1       1       0
    2       1       0
    3       2       3
    12      1       29

Please note that in the case of SRCPSP the mode number is always 1 as there is only one mode for all SRCPSP instances.

After submitting your solution(s) for different problem instances (all of which belong to the same Instance Set) you should get a reply from the system. The reply should include a line for each solution you have sent.

Possible lines of a reply regarding a solution for j1010_1.mm are:

   j1010_1.mm : your solution is better and added to solution list
   j1010_1.mm : NO better solution; NOT added to solution list
   j1010_1.mm : solution INFEASIBLE; <infeasibility description>
   j1010_1.mm : Format Error detected; <format error description>

Possible infeasibility descriptions are:

   too much used of renewable resource n
   Job j is started too early

Possible format error descriptions are:

   wrong job number found
   unknown filename

In case of errors, your solution will be ignored and you should try again with the errors fixed. If you see any other unknown error that looks unfamiliar to your, please contact the PSPLib support team.

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